Communion Antiphon Verses
All psalmists may volunteer to chant the verses for the Communion antiphon. This page provides resources for helping you learn how to do that. The antiphons are provided on the common seasonal sheets available on the "Music Lists & Seasonal" page; those are also handed out at choir practice. Sheets in pdf format and practice audio recordings for verses are provided below, organized by liturgical season. Verse sheets are not generally distributed, but if you need me to print a verse sheet for a Sunday that you volunteer for, I can do that for you.
The format for singing the antiphon and verses at Mass is:
Mark intones the antiphon; all continue singing the antiphon after the asterisk.
The cantor chants a verse.
All sing the antiphon.
Verses and antiphon continue being sung until the choir has finished receiving Communion.
If you need to sing more verses than are provided, you merely return to verse 1 and repeat verses as needed. That usually only occurs at the 10:30 Mass, which has the largest choir.
The whole book of antiphons may be downloaded as a pdf under the"Music" menu tab, if that interests you: drop down to "The Proper of the Mass, Vol. 1". Also under the "Music" menu tab is the pdf of the Gregorian Missal, which has the original Latin Gregorian chants of the antiphons for you to see: drop down to "Gregorian Missal".