Stack Team App Tutorial
The Stack Team App is a tool for managing and communicating with the parish choirs and musicians. This tutorial will provide an orientation for how to use the app with a focus on the needs of parents and guardians of members of the children's choir.
After you send an email to the music director to register your child(ren), within two days you will receive an email invitation to download and install the Stack Team App and join the Saint Francis of Assisi Choir on that app.
The Stack Team App icon looks like this:​​
After you create your account on the app and have joined the choir's "team", you should see this home page:
The choir "team" appears as an icon for you to select. If you use the app for other "teams", then their icons will also appear on this view.
This home page view is the only screen on which you should see advertisements. If you linger on this home page long enough, you might even have to watch a video ad that plays at an extremely loud volume.
I have paid to remove ads from our "team" pages of the app, so after you click on the Saint Francis of Assisi "team" icon, you should not have to view any advertisements on our "team" pages. Let me know if any ads do appear on our "team" site.
The main page for our choir "team" looks similar to this. My display, shown here, has more buttons than your view will have because I have some administrator options that you won't.
The two buttons most important for you will be:
Schedule & Duty Roster Signups
The other buttons are primarily for the adult choir members, but there's no harm in you accessing them out of curiosity.
Messaging is for choir communications. The children's choir has its own room, and it operates like a group text message. If I need to communicate anything to the children's choir members/parents/guardians, I will use the Messaging feature on the app to do so.
You should have notifications enabled for the app so that when a message is sent you will be notified about it.
If you click on Schedule & Duty Roster Signups, you will probably see a view similar to this one.
This is the default schedule view. I prefer an alternate display, which I will explain further below.
In this view, any date on which the children's choir has a rehearsal or Mass scheduled will appear with a red dot below the date. My display shows many more red dots than you will see because I manage more events on the app than just for the children's choir.
In this example, I have selected Wednesday, October 9, and the two events on that date appear below the calendar: children's choir rehearsal and adult choir rehearsal. Unless you belong to more groups than the children's choir, you will only see events that pertain to the children's choir.
I recommend using the alternate list view, which may be selected by pressing the list-view icon in the top right corner of the screen, which is to the right of the plus sign.
The list view is shown here. It displays all upcoming events in a scrolling list.
This example shows the same date, Wednesday, October 9, and the same two events as in the calendar view, but it also shows earlier and later events above and beneath those for October 9. I prefer being able to scroll forward and back to view events.
After you switch to the list view, it should be your new default view for the schedule every time you open the app.
Looking ahead in the schedule, you can see the children's choir Mass scheduled on November 3. It's set apart from other entries with a feature graphic.
Below the event's title is a RSVP button. It's gray to indicate that the account holder has not RSVP'd for that event yet.
If the account holder RSVP's "yes", that button will display as green. If the account holder RSVP's "no", that button will display as red.
Although you can click on the RSVP button to make or decline a reservation, I recommend instead that you click on the event itself, which will take you to a screen shown next.
This is the event view.
Next to my icon are two buttons: "Yes" and "No". By clicking on "Yes", I can indicate that I will attend this event. By clicking on "No", I can indicate that I will not be at this event.
Your child(ren)'s name(s) should all appear on the screen with an option next to each name for you to select "Yes" or "No". RSVP's can be changed anytime.
This is how you will indicate whether your child(ren) will sing at a scheduled Mass for the children's choir: select "Yes" or "No", as appropriate.