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Help with Chant Notation and Latin

Introductory-Level Gregorian Chant Tutorial:

Basic chant tutorial series consisting of short videos:

  1. Staffs, Clefs and Scale

  2. Single Note Forms

  3. The Flat Sign and Other Symbols

  4. Simple Neumes of Two and Three Notes

  5. Examples and Demonstrations

  6. Exercises

  7. How to Sing the Kyrie from the Missa Orbis Factor

  8. What's the Basic Pulse of Gregorian Chant Rhythm?

  9. Breaking Down the Adoro Te Devote Chant

  10. Solesmes Method Versus Semiology (advanced)

    • Note: we use the Solesmes method when we sing chant​

Instructional Book with Tutorial Recordings:


Short guides:

Longer guides and self-directed tutorials:

Articles from the International Chant Academy:


  • Recordings from the Abbey of Solesmes

    • The Abbey of Solesmes revitalized chant in the Church over 100 years ago by meticulously researching the manuscript history of thousands of chants to produce standardized musical scores for chant hymnals

Online Ecclesiastical Latin Course:

  • Video series that covers Latin pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar

  • Over forty hours of instructional videos

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