Videos about Liturgy and Music
What Happened to the Liturgy at Vatican II?
A Franciscan friar explains what Vatican II taught and the liturgical reforms that followed the council
Hour-long conversation among three priests about liturgical music
Covers Church teaching about music at Mass and the pastoral reality on the ground in parishes
One of the priests in the conversation is Fr. Greg Bierbaum from our diocese; Fr. Greg is the pastor at St. Mark in Highlands Ranch
An excellent video that provides an overview of the role that music ought to serve at Mass and what kind of music is most suitable for attaining that purpose​
Two earlier videos by the same host that are also informative, about different aspects of parish liturgical music:​
About 18 minutes long​
Excellent, outstanding overview of the Church's teachings about music for Mass
Addresses principles for liturgical music, the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, the human voice as the primary instrument, Gregorian chant, Latin, and singing the proper antiphons versus hymns at Mass
The Best Music for Life and the Liturgy
​One hour long​
The author is interviewed about his recent book
Addresses objective principles and criteria of beauty in music, and makes a case that Gregorian chant is the genre of music best suited for the liturgy, the public prayer of the Church
The link includes a transcript of the interview below the video
Series about liturgical music and the Mass produced by the Dominicans of the Western Province:
By Brian Holdsworth, a Millennial Catholic who makes video commentaries about Catholic faith:
A twelve-part series of podcasts interviewing David Fagerberg, retired professor of theology/liturgy from the University of Notre Dame​
This series is outstanding! It presents insights about the Church's liturgy and the relation between liturgy and our personal spiritual life from this learned and wise liturgical theologian
Also available here with downloadable episode files
A Crash Course on the Church's Teaching about Sacred Music
​A parish music director presents a Zoom lesson about Church teaching regarding music at Mass
There is some overlap in content with the video series immediately above
The first 45 minutes are the presentation; remaining 20 minutes are Q&A from participants
Near the beginning of the presentation the speaker plays the "What's Wrong with Church Music?" video (see under Dominicans of the Western Province above) made by the Dominicans of the Western Province
​Thorough and informative, but dry; you might find your attention waning but if you stick with it you will learn a lot